Our Brand
Our brand is the articulation of what we already understand about ourselves. It is a declaration of our identity and a promise to uphold those values and commitments that make us who we are.
Our brand style guide helps us clarify how we can best reinforce that identity in all of our communications. And when we build strong brand consistency, we:

Maximize The Effects Of All Communications.
Reach is the number of people exposed to our brand. Frequency is the number of times they are exposed. When we reach multiple people with the same brand, we give them a common experience upon which our brand and reputation can grow. When we keep our brand consistent over multiple exposures, we build familiarity and trust. Consistency allows us to move from constantly reintroducing ourselves to engaging in deeper, more nuanced conversations. It makes what we say and the work we do even more effective.
Leverage Our Success
Across The College.
When our diverse community speaks together with a shared voice, successes in one area—such as a faculty member’s recognition for outstanding work in their field or a student group winning a national competition—can positively impact other areas, such as undergraduate recruitment or alumni engagement. As the adage goes, a rising tide raises all ships.
When we share in our commitment to communicating our brand identity effectively, we also share each other’s successes.

Speak With A Unified Voice.
Establishing brand consistency is like conducting a well-trained 100-voice choir: We don’t all need to sing the same notes or even the same words, but if we follow the same score and harmonize with each other, we will make our impact heard. Likewise, when even one voice is out of sync with the rest of the choir, that dissonance becomes the focus of what people hear and damages the entire song. Brand consistency ensures that our voices come together to amplify who we are. A brand style guide is not about enforcing conformity but rather about achieving harmony. We are who we are because of a sense of shared values and goals among our diverse community
Brand Promise
No other college will engage you in finding and pursuing your life’s calling, your life’s work, and your most fulfilling future like we do.
© 2024 Elizabethtown College