Official College Logos
The Official College logo is the primary graphic element of our brand system. Its consistent use strengthens our brand and reinforces our reputation with our students, faculty, staff, and alumni; other academic institutions; the people of Pennsylvania and surrounding regions; and the wider world.
Rules and Usage
Clear Space
To ensure visibility and clarity, all text, graphic elements, and other logos must have a clear space on all sides of the official Elizabethtown logo. This clear space should, on all sides of the mark, be equal to the size of the big E in the center of the circle.
In order to ensure that our logo remains readable in all reproductions please avoid editing logos in the following ways:
- Do not skew of scale disproportionately.
- Do not distort.
- Do not stack or place multiple copies of the logo on top of each other.
- Do not rotate or set on an angle.
- Do not rearrange, alter proportions, or recreate any constituent parts.
- Do not apply filters.
- Do not set the logo as a tint or screen.
- Do not reproduce on busy or competing backgrounds.
- Do not use the wordmark as part of running copy.
- Do not alter approved lockups.
- Do not lock up the wordmark with other logos, even if they are other Etown logos.
For more guidance please read the Etown Brand Guide.

Official College Logo
The Official Elizabethtown logo is suitable for use on all Etown communications wherever you can ensure quick and effortless readability. However, although this logo is approved for all uses, we recommend the Etown mark (below) when we want something that can be read faster, such as in posters or on billboards, or when the medium may render it at a very small size, such as in online ads.
When reproducing our logo at a moderately small size or when otherwise appropriate, the Elizabethtown College wordmark may be used apart from the official College logo lockup. For guidance on when to use the whole logo and when to use only the wordmark, consult with the Office of Marketing and Communications.

E Logo
The E logo is an alternate mark within our brand system. It is suitable to be used as an identifying brand mark in all
Please note: when using the E logo apart from the wordmark, its outer circle should read “Elizabethtown College,” not “Educate for Service,” as it does in the official Elizabethtown College logo.
College Seal
The seal evolved during the early years of Elizabethtown College. It appeared in its present form as an illustration on the cover of the Elizabethtown College Bulletin in 1928. The seal incorporates the Lamp of Learning, the College motto (“Educate for Service”)and the words Deus Lux et Veritas (God, Light and Truth).
The use of the seal is reserved for official College documents and publications including diplomas, honorary degrees, institutional certificates and special awards. It may be used only on the official documents mentioned above or on any correspondence from the Office of the President. The Office of Marketing and Communications must approve the use of this seal under all circumstances.

School Lockups
The names of each of our schools may also be locked up with the Etown mark. This lockup is appropriate for all communications that speak to the offerings, concerns, or outcomes of a singular school (rather than Etown as a whole).
Athletic Logos
Our athletic marks are dynamic elements of our overall branding. Their use, however, should be strictly reserved for within the context of athletics or as spirit marks when addressing an internal audience, such as faculty, staff or students. For academic communications directed at general external audiences, they are inappropriate and should not be used.

© 2024 Elizabethtown College