Schools & Centers

School Lockups
The names of each of our schools may also be locked up with the Etown mark. This lockup is appropriate for all communications that speak to the offerings, concerns, or outcomes of a singular school (rather than Etown as a whole).
Color Variations
Although the Etown mark may appear in several different color combinations when used on its own, when locked up with a school name, the mark should only be used in solid Etown blue or black, or it should be knocked out in white.

Clear Space
To ensure visibility and clarity, all text, graphic elements, and other logos must observe a clear space on all sides of the Etown school lockup. This clear space should be equal to the size of the big E in ETOWN on all sides of the mark.

Minimum Size
In order to ensure our logo remains readable in all reproductions, its minimum height is 0.375 inches in print and 50 pixels in onscreen applications, no smaller than 50 pixels in height. The Etown school lockup may be used as small as 0.25 inches in print or 25 pixels in height in onscreen applications, but in these instances the ELIZABETHTOWN COLLEGE supporting line should be omitted due to legibility concerns.
Other guidelines for the usage of the Etown school lockups are the same as the guidelines for the Etown mark on its own.
School Lockups
EPS files are best for printing, while JPG and PNG files are best when used for web and electronic media.

Center’s Logos
EPS files are best for printing, while JPG and PNG files are best when used for web and electronic media.

© 2024 Elizabethtown College