School of Graduate & Professional Studies (SGPS)

SGPS Brand
Leveraging the Etown master brand, the Elizabethtown College School
of Graduate & Professional Studies (SGPS) marks are appropriate for all
communications and engagement with SGPS students.
Logo & Color Variations
The Etown SGPS logos may also be rendered in one color or as a knockout mark in any color from the primary or secondary SGPS brand palettes. For guidance on color selection when using a two-color variation, consult with the Office of Marketing and Communications.

Clear Space
To ensure visibility and clarity, all text, graphic elements, and other logos must observe a clear space on all sides of the Etown mark. This clear space should be equal to the size of the big E in ETOWN on all sides of the mark.
SGPS Logos
EPS files are best for printing, while JPG and PNG files are best when used for web and electronic media.

© 2024 Elizabethtown College